WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.030 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: To turn on the live transcript. 2 00:00:07.589 --> 00:00:17.940 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: All right, again, thank you for joining us, my name is amy pinkerton and diamond instructional designer at the Center for teaching and learning and i'm joined by my colleagues today. 3 00:00:20.640 --> 00:00:26.730 Emily Haagenson, CTL: hi i'm Emily hagen's in and i'm an instructional design support specialist also with cto. 4 00:00:30.360 --> 00:00:37.530 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And my name is be can be brown i'm also an intentional design specialist at the CIO and everyone for joining us today. 5 00:00:39.270 --> 00:00:43.740 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Alright, so just some housekeeping if you have any questions will be monitoring the chat. 6 00:00:44.010 --> 00:00:57.510 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And there will also be opportunities for Q amp a throughout the session so today's session is on planning ahead steps to prepare for the next academic year and the things that we're going to go over today are applicable to. 7 00:00:58.560 --> 00:01:01.140 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: To both online and face to face classes. 8 00:01:03.150 --> 00:01:11.670 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So, think of your courses like gardens if you plant seeds and then give those seeds what they need time water and nutrients. 9 00:01:12.240 --> 00:01:22.410 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Then they will produce fruit, but if you neglect your garden if you don't plan any seeds, or if you don't give those seats what they need then come harvest time you won't have any fruits or vegetables. 10 00:01:23.220 --> 00:01:37.440 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So, think about it, if you don't plant tomatoes and you don't plant tomatoes in August, you plant them in May to enjoy them in August and just like tending to a garden we're going to identify some things that you can do over the summer to tend to your course to prepare it for next year. 11 00:01:38.460 --> 00:01:48.210 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: While we're focusing on terms one and two, all of these things can be applicable to terms, three and four, as well, so it's never too early to start thinking about and working on your course site. 12 00:01:48.870 --> 00:01:55.020 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: and specifically we're going to look at how you can approach your course site to review it and prepare. 13 00:01:55.470 --> 00:02:01.290 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: For next year, and what we're going to do is we're going to start with, looking at the learning objectives so we're going to give you a way to review. 14 00:02:01.650 --> 00:02:06.660 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Your learning objectives to make sure that they are in alignment with what you want your core schools to be. 15 00:02:07.200 --> 00:02:20.430 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And then we're going to look at how your learning objectives inform your assessments and then your course site and content and then finally we're going to look at ways that you can stay informed, between now and the beginning of the next academic term. 16 00:02:25.080 --> 00:02:33.960 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So, starting with the learning objectives let's look at how you can look at your learning objectives as a part of your course review process. 17 00:02:34.410 --> 00:02:42.090 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And why are we, starting with the learning objectives well at the Center for teaching and learning we follow a course design method called backwards design. 18 00:02:42.420 --> 00:02:48.720 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And in this method faculty start their course design their course development and their course review processes. 19 00:02:49.080 --> 00:02:57.360 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: With the learning objectives, so you look at you identify your core skills and then you're fine you refine those goals into measurable learning objectives. 20 00:02:57.630 --> 00:03:06.360 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And because of this learning objectives are a great place to start when you're thinking about reviewing your course for next year, just to make sure you're off to her that really good really strong start. 21 00:03:09.720 --> 00:03:17.580 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So, to review with our learning objectives, I want you to start with a comprehensive knowledge breakdown to identify the goals of your course. 22 00:03:18.210 --> 00:03:26.310 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: This will help you determine what the students need to learn during your course and then also at what level of sophistication you want the students to learn that material. 23 00:03:26.610 --> 00:03:38.310 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And by doing this, you can really gauge what level your courses, so if it's at the appropriate level and then also how your your content and your assessments build up to these core schools. 24 00:03:38.970 --> 00:03:50.550 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: The first level of knowledge breakdown is the domain or factual level, and these are things like facts concepts and terminology that students will become familiar with during your course. 25 00:03:51.360 --> 00:04:02.100 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Knowledge at this level corresponds to learning objectives that are at the knowledge and comprehension level so really basic level, and these really set the foundation for the other levels of knowledge. 26 00:04:03.720 --> 00:04:11.250 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: The second level is procedural and this has to do with applying domain level knowledge within a prescribed process or procedure. 27 00:04:11.640 --> 00:04:29.100 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So, think about what procedures techniques or methods will your students need to learn during your course and then apply and an application like an experiment, or perhaps they're preparing or producing something that those things that students do that follows a prescribed procedure. 28 00:04:30.360 --> 00:04:37.350 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And then, finally, the last level or the highest level is strategic level, and this is the these are this. 29 00:04:37.710 --> 00:04:41.910 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: campuses those complex thinking strategies and skills that students need to learn. 30 00:04:42.210 --> 00:04:51.990 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: within your course that corresponds to learning objectives like analyze evaluate and create So those are those higher level items that perhaps you might have one or two assessments that. 31 00:04:52.710 --> 00:04:57.540 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: corresponds to this level, but everything and everything else in your course builds up to this. 32 00:04:58.320 --> 00:05:08.400 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So once you've done this knowledge breakdown, you can then look at your learning objectives more critically to ensure that they're written at the correct level and also are written with the correct corresponding action verb. 33 00:05:11.250 --> 00:05:22.770 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So another some other considerations to make while reviewing your learning objectives is the appropriateness of your learning objective we've already mentioned that do they accurately reflect the goals of your course and are they at the correct level. 34 00:05:23.370 --> 00:05:35.070 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: But also ensure that they're measurable, meaning that they're written using measurable action verbs that can be observed and demonstrated in your assessments so for a common example is we see. 35 00:05:35.610 --> 00:05:43.740 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Learning objectives that our students will understand a concept but understand is really hard to measure because, how do you measure understanding. 36 00:05:44.280 --> 00:05:53.730 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So you perhaps you're measuring understanding through a written assignment, so in that case the correct verb wouldn't be understanding or understand it would be right, or perhaps they need to present. 37 00:05:54.060 --> 00:06:00.630 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: or experiment or prepare so think about what verb you want to use that's measurable meaning observable. 38 00:06:02.310 --> 00:06:09.390 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And the second consideration is alignment and this is where we're going to dive into these two aspects later, but. 39 00:06:09.990 --> 00:06:15.330 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Do your assessments match the learning objectives and then also do does the course content. 40 00:06:15.630 --> 00:06:27.270 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: match the learning objectives in that our students getting the information that they need to complete the assignments and demonstrate the learning objective, so in this way you're learning objectives again really set the. 41 00:06:28.350 --> 00:06:35.400 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: structure of your course because the learning objectives determine your assessments and your content let's look at an example. 42 00:06:36.570 --> 00:06:44.580 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: let's say that we're working on a public health policy course and the goal of the course is to communicate a public health policy in writing and verbally. 43 00:06:45.810 --> 00:06:59.040 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So you might write this this goal as a as to learning objectives that are measurable, so the first learning objective is right, a public health policy brief, that is clear and informative for a general audience. 44 00:06:59.760 --> 00:07:10.740 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And then the second learning objective is explain an advocate for the policy brief and a four minute verbal presentation So those are the two measurable learning objectives that tie back to that overarching goal. 45 00:07:11.970 --> 00:07:24.030 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: The content that this course might cover would include information on policy briefs and how to write them, as well as perhaps some information on how to communicate successfully in writing and verbally. 46 00:07:24.810 --> 00:07:34.080 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And then, finally, the assessments are the paper in which students actually write a public health policy brief and the presentation, where they. 47 00:07:34.530 --> 00:07:45.960 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Explain an advocate that brief, so this is just a microcosm or a mini way to look at how learning objectives inform the content and assessments and how they're all tied together. 48 00:07:48.330 --> 00:08:02.340 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And then, just to recap, we looked at the appropriateness of learning objectives and our alignment with content and assessments and then, finally, as you're reviewing your course site and preparing it for next year, look for consistency in your course site. 49 00:08:04.080 --> 00:08:17.130 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So, for example, your course learning objectives are listed on your syllabus but also verify that they're listed on your lecture pages and your activity and assessment pages and that they're all using consistent language and consistent verb. 50 00:08:17.580 --> 00:08:23.730 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: For so as you're going through your course site just keep an eye out for learning objectives to make sure that they're consistent throughout your course site. 51 00:08:26.130 --> 00:08:40.950 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Alright, so we're going to do a quick one minute reflection, and you can do this in the chat or on your own but i'd like to ask you why is it important to start with the learning objectives when reviewing and preparing your course site and again i'll just give you one minute. 52 00:09:00.360 --> 00:09:06.750 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And just just a reminder that you can also post questions in the chat if you have any questions as we go. 53 00:09:09.330 --> 00:09:14.640 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Oh yes, someone posted objectives are the foundation of the learning experience, yes, very good. 54 00:09:16.440 --> 00:09:24.600 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Alright, so now i'd like to pass things over to my colleague who's going to tell us about assessments and assignments. 55 00:09:25.830 --> 00:09:26.460 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Thanks amy. 56 00:09:27.720 --> 00:09:31.890 Emily Haagenson, CTL: As amy explained summers a great time to take a broader look at your course. 57 00:09:32.100 --> 00:09:46.080 Emily Haagenson, CTL: And we start doing this with objectives, once you feel confident that you have the right objectives for your course you can begin to think about assessments and assignments, and we want to create the best assessments and assignments. 58 00:09:48.060 --> 00:10:00.210 Emily Haagenson, CTL: to align with your objectives, make sure students are learning exactly what you want them to learn every activity in your course should be working toward assessing how students are meeting your course objectives. 59 00:10:01.590 --> 00:10:10.260 Emily Haagenson, CTL: So i'm going to go over several elements of activities and assignments several ways that you can review your activities over the summer. 60 00:10:11.130 --> 00:10:17.280 Emily Haagenson, CTL: it's important that we're aligning the most appropriate assignments for the objectives so, for example. 61 00:10:17.970 --> 00:10:30.210 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Students don't need to write an extended paper to prove that they can define relevant terms, on the other side, completing a multiple choice test won't tell you, if they're able to critique. 62 00:10:31.170 --> 00:10:38.490 Emily Haagenson, CTL: A given topic so we'll look at pairing the different levels of student learning with an appropriate assignment or assessment. 63 00:10:40.170 --> 00:10:46.920 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Also understanding the many roles that you all have here at Johns Hopkins we're going to look at how. 64 00:10:47.220 --> 00:10:56.610 Emily Haagenson, CTL: To achieve those strategic and procedural level learning opportunities and evaluate those learning opportunities within a really busy schedule. 65 00:10:57.330 --> 00:11:13.140 Emily Haagenson, CTL: And finally, because I know that many of you, scientists and researchers love data we're going to take a brief look at ways course plus is is already create generating data that can help you reflect on the assessments and assignments in your course. 66 00:11:15.120 --> 00:11:29.820 Emily Haagenson, CTL: So as amy explained the domain level of student learning is for knowledge and comprehension, this is where you're checking our students able to remember and recall facts can they explain ideas within the field. 67 00:11:30.690 --> 00:11:45.570 Emily Haagenson, CTL: are really great way to check on this level of knowledge is formative assessment, in contrast to summative assessment that's at the end of the term formative assessment is meant to happen throughout the term and check in with your students. 68 00:11:46.860 --> 00:11:56.190 Emily Haagenson, CTL: and make sure they're they're learning along the way, and it provides you feedback as well formative assessments can be graded you can give points or percentage. 69 00:11:56.700 --> 00:12:07.800 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Credit based on their correct or incorrect answers you can do formative assessments as participation credit or you can even have untreated formative assessment. 70 00:12:08.370 --> 00:12:24.780 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Regardless these small knowledge checks allow you and the students to be confident that they are learning and understanding, the most important domain level content that will hopefully then inform their work on the procedural or strategic levels. 71 00:12:26.250 --> 00:12:34.560 Emily Haagenson, CTL: One new feature in course plus that we're really excited about is in lecture quizzes and in lecture quizzes are great for formative assessment. 72 00:12:35.820 --> 00:12:41.520 Emily Haagenson, CTL: What this is a quiz that's embedded directly into the playback of your lecture. 73 00:12:41.880 --> 00:13:00.300 Emily Haagenson, CTL: And it will help draw student attention to the most salient pieces of what you're saying in your lecture so think of this as when you're in the classroom and you stop and take the pulse of your students and ask a question, this is how we can do that in an online format. 74 00:13:02.700 --> 00:13:26.700 Emily Haagenson, CTL: The next level of student learning is the procedural level, this is where faculty are facilitating students application and analysis of content by observing questioning evaluating organizing the students are actively engaged in deep thinking they're discussing they're investigating. 75 00:13:28.050 --> 00:13:34.410 Emily Haagenson, CTL: At this level students should be organizing the information in the course and breaking down patterns. 76 00:13:35.790 --> 00:13:48.390 Emily Haagenson, CTL: and information analysis this analysis application space is a comfortable space for most of us as educators, this is the here's a case study here's a reading, what do you think talk about it as a group. 77 00:13:49.500 --> 00:13:56.790 Emily Haagenson, CTL: And so, this is where most assignments that I work with sit in this procedural level. 78 00:13:58.260 --> 00:14:05.820 Emily Haagenson, CTL: As we move from the domain through the procedural and to the strategic level of student learning. 79 00:14:06.570 --> 00:14:23.370 Emily Haagenson, CTL: notice that the verbs shift more and more of the responsibility for learning from the teacher to the students at the domain level educators are actively checking in they're structuring learning opportunities at the procedural level faculty are guiding prompting. 80 00:14:24.870 --> 00:14:35.850 Emily Haagenson, CTL: We get to a point where students are the ones taking the lead and the role of the educator becomes clarifying and extending learning and that's the strategic level. 81 00:14:37.590 --> 00:14:45.300 Emily Haagenson, CTL: At this strategic level students are evaluating and synthesizing information with faculty support so here. 82 00:14:45.840 --> 00:15:09.150 Emily Haagenson, CTL: You, as the teacher are guiding and clarifying and again extending but students are doing the the judging the proposing and taking action on their ideas, the discriminating among ideas they're assigning value they're generating new ideas and they're relating to larger concepts and context. 83 00:15:10.440 --> 00:15:18.420 Emily Haagenson, CTL: These assessments often assess the kinds of skills that are required to participate in the field, beyond the classroom. 84 00:15:19.110 --> 00:15:36.330 Emily Haagenson, CTL: And these are often some creative assignments, we see you, you all trying in your classroom so we're curious and we're hope will hope we hope you'll tell us in the chat how to your students demonstrate this evaluation synthesis strategic levels learning. 85 00:15:52.770 --> 00:15:58.110 Emily Haagenson, CTL: yeah we see we see different courses applying conceptual frameworks Nice. 86 00:15:59.340 --> 00:16:06.300 Emily Haagenson, CTL: I work with several courses that have policy memos and work with policy. 87 00:16:12.570 --> 00:16:16.020 Emily Haagenson, CTL: See discussion presentation right. 88 00:16:18.390 --> 00:16:29.190 Emily Haagenson, CTL: yeah These are the kinds of activities, the students will do after after they're taking courses and they're out in the world, working in public health great Thank you. 89 00:16:31.440 --> 00:16:34.740 Emily Haagenson, CTL: The next thing I want to talk to you all about is. 90 00:16:37.050 --> 00:16:45.270 Emily Haagenson, CTL: is working smarter and not harder, we understand that guiding students through procedural and strategic level learning opportunities. 91 00:16:46.080 --> 00:17:01.620 Emily Haagenson, CTL: often takes more or at least more concerted effort so let's talk about that um you have some objectives in mind you're starting to brainstorm some assessments or assignments that you might adjust or change. 92 00:17:02.760 --> 00:17:18.360 Emily Haagenson, CTL: That will align nicely with your objectives, but how can we design those objectives and plan to sorry design those assignments and plan to give feedback on those assignments within a really busy schedule without over extending ourselves first of all. 93 00:17:19.380 --> 00:17:33.060 Emily Haagenson, CTL: assess the domain level skills with self graded formative assessments quiz generator has a self graded feature within course plus it'll help you with this, this allows students, the valuable feedback. 94 00:17:35.460 --> 00:17:47.130 Emily Haagenson, CTL: That they need to make sure they're learning the right material right but doesn't Take your time to grade if you have limited time to invest in your course which you do. 95 00:17:47.670 --> 00:17:56.430 Emily Haagenson, CTL: We want to make sure that you are spending your time on this objective grading and engagement that benefits from your expertise and insight. 96 00:17:57.630 --> 00:18:12.150 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Another tool that's really helpful is rubrics and I know you, you probably hear this a lot from us at CCL and your instructional designer but a well designed rubric will provide useful feedback for every element of a student's work. 97 00:18:13.380 --> 00:18:30.360 Emily Haagenson, CTL: They do take intention and time up front, which is why summer is a great time to work on your rubrics but once you've designed a good rubric students will have more clarity as they complete your assignments, and the subsequent breeding process during the year will be swift. 98 00:18:31.770 --> 00:18:43.800 Emily Haagenson, CTL: We also have an effective peer assessment tool within course plus a well designed peer assessment helps the student being assessed and the peer assessor and you as a faculty. 99 00:18:44.820 --> 00:18:53.820 Emily Haagenson, CTL: um you can also provide explanations clarification or expansion for incorrect answers you can do this. 100 00:18:55.170 --> 00:19:04.620 Emily Haagenson, CTL: there's an automated feature in quiz generator i'll just pop up and explain to a student why the answer is incorrect or what they what they. 101 00:19:06.030 --> 00:19:18.600 Emily Haagenson, CTL: How they can learn more what they can clarify some of you do this through weekly emails where you send out a message hey this was a common misconception this week are commonly missed question, and those are great. 102 00:19:19.680 --> 00:19:30.450 Emily Haagenson, CTL: More generally, planning ahead, knowing which weeks in your course will be grading intensive and just set some time aside for yourself put it in your calendar to grade. 103 00:19:31.440 --> 00:19:41.730 Emily Haagenson, CTL: And, and lastly spread spread the greeting out by having students do more short assignments, the grading burden can be spread over the term. 104 00:19:42.540 --> 00:19:52.620 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Not just into a couple weeks, and this is actually better for students, as they receive feedback throughout the term that allows them to improve by the end of the offering. 105 00:19:54.360 --> 00:19:56.400 Emily Haagenson, CTL: So you guys are doing this, all the time. 106 00:19:57.600 --> 00:20:08.610 Emily Haagenson, CTL: amy and mackenzie and I would love to hear how do you maximize your time in order to provide meaningful feedback and strong assignments within your demanding schedule. 107 00:20:10.260 --> 00:20:12.840 Emily Haagenson, CTL: The creative approaches you all use. 108 00:20:26.070 --> 00:20:30.420 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Nice yay someone using peer assessment and rubrics always great. 109 00:20:36.510 --> 00:20:48.480 Emily Haagenson, CTL: We also know that strategic use of your T a's is a great way to work smarter not harder, but that that's different for for many of you thanks amy. 110 00:20:49.860 --> 00:20:52.590 Emily Haagenson, CTL: yeah regular emails are really helpful. 111 00:20:53.850 --> 00:20:55.710 Emily Haagenson, CTL: provide regular communication. 112 00:20:57.690 --> 00:20:59.160 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Great Thank you. 113 00:21:00.990 --> 00:21:16.110 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Okay i'm going to give you a minute now to reflect on your own so of course assessment that your core assignment any any assignment in your course that you're considering redesigning or adding to one of your courses. 114 00:21:17.640 --> 00:21:20.700 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Just take a minute write a note to yourself. 115 00:21:42.960 --> 00:21:48.690 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Thanks Brian for the reminder about importing messages great. 116 00:21:53.790 --> 00:21:59.640 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Okay megan considering a simulation very cool um. 117 00:22:01.050 --> 00:22:18.480 Emily Haagenson, CTL: reminder about things like simulations or if you're feeling inspired you want to try a new tool, please, please feel encouraged to contact the instructional designer who is partnering with you on your course they may be able to provide you with resources or brainstorm with you. 118 00:22:19.560 --> 00:22:25.950 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Personally, that that's one of my favorite parts of my job so so please feel encouraged to contact us. 119 00:22:27.120 --> 00:22:30.690 Emily Haagenson, CTL: The last thing i'm going to talk to you about is data. 120 00:22:32.310 --> 00:22:34.620 Emily Haagenson, CTL: data analysis with course plus. 121 00:22:36.510 --> 00:22:44.370 Emily Haagenson, CTL: For those of us who like numbers, we can reflect on assessments by comparing relative engagement with the Court. 122 00:22:45.420 --> 00:22:53.880 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Sorry relative engagement with a course with performance and, of course, plus is already generating this data for us. 123 00:22:55.410 --> 00:23:07.290 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Now, obviously, these specific measures will vary depending on your course offering and what's the best measure of engagement, or performance, for your specific course but what's important is that if we plot a measure of. 124 00:23:08.100 --> 00:23:18.180 Emily Haagenson, CTL: performance against a measure of engagement, we can visualize general trends so, for example on a plot like this, we can take a look and see. 125 00:23:19.080 --> 00:23:29.250 Emily Haagenson, CTL: If we have a lot of students in the top left quadrant labeled a that would indicate that we have low participation in the course but high performance. 126 00:23:29.730 --> 00:23:37.500 Emily Haagenson, CTL: If you have a lot of students here there might be a disconnect between students are between the assessments and the content. 127 00:23:38.310 --> 00:23:55.800 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Maybe the assessments are too easy maybe also the measure of engagement on course plus isn't, you know as telling as it could be, because your students are doing a lot of engagement outside the course site, so that might be the case as well. 128 00:23:56.820 --> 00:24:07.230 Emily Haagenson, CTL: In the top right quadrant we have high participation high performance and this is probably an expected quadrant right if students are really engaged in your course they're probably doing pretty well. 129 00:24:09.000 --> 00:24:24.630 Emily Haagenson, CTL: The bottom left quadrant labeled see would show low participation low performance and again this might be an expected area, but if you have students here, you want to think about why do students lack motivation, are they, why are they disengaged. 130 00:24:25.800 --> 00:24:33.600 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Is the course material, where are the assignments failing to engage students and is there anything you can do about that. 131 00:24:34.410 --> 00:24:43.080 Emily Haagenson, CTL: If you have a lot of students in the bottom right quadrant that's legal D, that would be high participation low performance. 132 00:24:44.070 --> 00:25:05.250 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Here you would likely find some frustrated students because they're spending a lot of time with the course but not doing very well, if you have students here it's a good opportunity to reflect on the possible disconnect between the course content and the assignments, and also. 133 00:25:06.450 --> 00:25:18.420 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Who possibly students are unclear on which aspects of the course are important and so maybe it's a good opportunity to ask yourself how you can help them prioritize what is the most important material. 134 00:25:20.550 --> 00:25:35.610 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Comparing engagement and performance is just one way, you can look at data, but again course pluses providing you this data, you can there are several student activity reports within the Faculty tools that will tell you about student engagement. 135 00:25:36.630 --> 00:25:53.940 Emily Haagenson, CTL: As well as performance data notice I included formative assessment as a possible measure of either engagement or performance yet another reason that formative assessment is really great is it tells you a lot about your course and your students in your assignments. 136 00:25:55.230 --> 00:26:05.700 Emily Haagenson, CTL: In addition to comparing engagement and performance course plus particularly quiz generator provides even more data that you can use for reflection. 137 00:26:06.510 --> 00:26:19.440 Emily Haagenson, CTL: So I just very briefly touched on some data points, but we are curious to know if you have you would be interested in learning more about course data analytics in a future teaching toolkit session. 138 00:26:21.570 --> 00:26:22.320 Emily Haagenson, CTL: and 139 00:26:24.090 --> 00:26:24.900 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Oh, thank you. 140 00:26:28.470 --> 00:26:29.010 Emily Haagenson, CTL: So. 141 00:26:30.990 --> 00:26:34.020 Emily Haagenson, CTL: To lots of people for data analytics great. 142 00:26:35.760 --> 00:26:43.020 Emily Haagenson, CTL: And we can we can find people more knowledgeable than me to help help us talk about data analytics so it'll be. 143 00:26:45.720 --> 00:26:46.230 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Great. 144 00:26:50.640 --> 00:26:51.150 Thank you. 145 00:26:55.170 --> 00:26:56.160 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Okay, great. 146 00:26:57.240 --> 00:27:05.070 Emily Haagenson, CTL: um this is this is good to know Thank you mackenzie's gonna tell you a little bit more about course content. 147 00:27:08.490 --> 00:27:09.450 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Thanks Emily. 148 00:27:10.470 --> 00:27:13.650 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Alright, so I am going to discuss. 149 00:27:14.340 --> 00:27:30.900 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: pruning of your course content and I, you may know you are a new ketogenic Gardner training is the process of cutting away that or overgrown stands to increase fruitfulness and growth and that's something that we can apply to your courses to. 150 00:27:31.980 --> 00:27:42.510 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So i'll provide some diamonds some things to consider, as you review your course content removing and replacing outdated materials to increase your courses success and growth. 151 00:27:43.200 --> 00:27:55.380 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And each piece of content in your course to support your course objectives students in their work to achieve the learning objectives in your course and successfully complete the course assessment. 152 00:27:57.330 --> 00:28:05.970 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: This will include updating your course plex site through reviewing revising improving or replacing course content. 153 00:28:06.840 --> 00:28:21.930 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: In this section I will explore the different lecture recording option through ctos production team show you some examples of our video recording capacity and the deadlines associated with scheduling those recording session. 154 00:28:23.010 --> 00:28:28.140 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And we hope that you use this information and planning your forces revision process. 155 00:28:29.160 --> 00:28:40.050 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Preferably over the summer, since it says seem to be a time when you have this newfound energy and time to commit to reviewing our courses. 156 00:28:40.770 --> 00:28:50.400 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And if you have any questions or comments throughout the section, please feel free to ask them in the chat will also have some time at the end to discuss things in further detail. 157 00:28:55.140 --> 00:29:07.290 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Right so as I was explaining before, there are three categories of action reviewing and taking inventory of the existing content that you have in your career. 158 00:29:07.830 --> 00:29:20.550 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Revising aspects of the course and removing things that no longer pertain to your content so First, I will briefly navigate through quick plus to highlight some quick areas for review. 159 00:29:30.150 --> 00:29:30.840 Okay. 160 00:29:33.180 --> 00:29:45.330 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So once you're in your quest let's say one area that I would recommend to think first is your courses syllabus overview section. 161 00:29:46.950 --> 00:29:56.250 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So your syllabus overview page will include all the basic information about your course and it's often the first place, that your students go. 162 00:29:56.850 --> 00:30:10.680 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: When they enroll in your course or in the first few weeks of the course, so this is an important piece for the course for you to film and make sure that it is up to date and clear, concise. 163 00:30:11.580 --> 00:30:27.240 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: You can edit it and view the different sections that going to edit the syllabus and you can even see the last week of in which you edited the section, so that you can make your most recent information. 164 00:30:28.800 --> 00:30:32.490 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And then the next piece towards is your schedule. 165 00:30:34.170 --> 00:30:44.310 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So you're settled tool, but then, of course, plus is the space for students will go to find there's two days and available dates for work content. 166 00:30:44.820 --> 00:30:50.700 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: I would recommend going through your schedule to make sure that all of your dates are. 167 00:30:51.330 --> 00:31:06.480 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: updated, for the most recent term and that if you are changing any of your current content or course assessments that you make those changes here, and of course you can always contact your instructional designer we're more than happy to help. 168 00:31:08.400 --> 00:31:28.680 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And then finally your faculty page, which should contain a short bio information about the Faculty team and photos aren't necessary, but especially in times like these when most if not all courses are online that's help students put a face to the. 169 00:31:29.730 --> 00:31:30.900 To the Faculty team. 170 00:31:33.840 --> 00:31:51.600 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And then, with your course readings, there are two ways that we most frequently display meeting in our online courses you reserve and the online library so while he returns are managed by the Welsh library and. 171 00:31:52.710 --> 00:31:56.640 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: provides a single link for students to see all of their course meeting. 172 00:31:57.960 --> 00:32:01.710 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: In that have to be updated through the folks at Welsh. 173 00:32:03.030 --> 00:32:13.200 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: There is also a way to manage your online library and your online course materials directly yourself and. 174 00:32:14.280 --> 00:32:26.790 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: You can meet your to go through this just to make sure that any outdated material is removed and anything updated is appropriately linked to the page builder pages as needed. 175 00:32:37.530 --> 00:32:38.400 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Thank you amy. 176 00:32:41.610 --> 00:32:50.580 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: To then, of course, once you send all of that lovely time reviewing your course you want to put that to use when you are revising so. 177 00:32:51.600 --> 00:33:04.050 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: By by engaging in self reflection at the end of each term you will of course it's fresh on your mind, you can start thinking about the item of the course that you wish to revise. 178 00:33:04.590 --> 00:33:13.980 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: and see you know what worked well what could be improved, I can also be informed by the data that Emily was discussing that appears and reflect. 179 00:33:15.480 --> 00:33:27.780 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And you'll also want to make sure that you know your literature and resources are up to date, the field of public health changes so rapidly and your course content can. 180 00:33:29.280 --> 00:33:32.910 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And then, of course, removing items i'm. 181 00:33:33.990 --> 00:33:47.790 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: sad to see course content go, especially when it's something that you've spent so much time creating and meaningfully placing into your course, but sometimes it is, it does. 182 00:33:49.050 --> 00:33:58.710 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: have to happen when we do remove things that no longer pertain to our course learning objectives and things that are working towards our assessments of course. 183 00:33:59.970 --> 00:34:00.600 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: and 184 00:34:01.680 --> 00:34:20.160 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Most recently, removing the self recorded lectures that you may have recorded on your own during the past year imitating those with recorded lectures through are worthless, I mean our cto video audio studio. 185 00:34:24.300 --> 00:34:37.230 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And then, if you want to i'd love to hear if you're planning any course content if there's anything fresh in your mind that you're wanting to revive in terms of your content we'd love to hear it in the chat. 186 00:34:57.810 --> 00:35:03.540 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Mostly just Steve that is that's also a really good way to use this time. 187 00:35:07.500 --> 00:35:09.990 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Right it's Okay, if you don't know yet you still have some time. 188 00:35:11.520 --> 00:35:19.590 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And i'm hoping that maybe hasn't going through these recording options that will burst of inspiration in you for your Chris content. 189 00:35:21.660 --> 00:35:37.950 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So, as you were discussing before with the domain level the procedural level and strategic level of understanding there's ways that your course content and your lecture recording to that as well, so the tko audio video studios offer but. 190 00:35:39.600 --> 00:35:54.480 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: offering a recording services and we're happy to schedule, new and revise lectures any point throughout that academic year you don't have to wait until the months or weeks leading up to your course we're happy to schedule early. 191 00:35:55.320 --> 00:36:09.810 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So, while our audio over PowerPoint lectures tend to be the most common modality our video studio off also offers a lot of different creative ways, you can convey this lecture content. 192 00:36:10.620 --> 00:36:30.150 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So, for example, the main level or the actual level will contain that basic level foundational level of content that you're helping students comprehend and the procedural level of understanding fills up on that and shows students, a more. 193 00:36:31.500 --> 00:36:47.940 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Application based form of lecture content and we can do that through the some of the videos to use offering, such as the 4k cellular bonding broadcast so you're bringing students with you and showing them a public health. 194 00:36:48.960 --> 00:36:54.930 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: faith or potentially somewhat different around the world, and then through. 195 00:36:55.980 --> 00:37:09.450 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Building on that domain and procedural level of content, you can have students engage and connect with a deeper level of understanding by having some of these other types of content. 196 00:37:10.710 --> 00:37:22.230 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Bringing in expert interviews and you know, bringing them, even in a in a 360 space through some of the video equipment that we now have. 197 00:37:23.310 --> 00:37:32.040 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So if you're interested in learning more about any of these please reach out to your instructional designer because we would really love to entertain some of these projects with you. 198 00:37:35.550 --> 00:37:43.800 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And now I will show you a short highlight reel of some of the examples that have been created in our video. 199 00:38:01.830 --> 00:38:03.570 Megan Latshaw: We can't hear it, I think you need to. 200 00:38:05.010 --> 00:38:06.390 Megan Latshaw: share the audio to. 201 00:38:10.410 --> 00:38:15.900 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: sorry about that I thought I had shared the audio it's no there should just be music. 202 00:38:16.260 --> 00:38:19.050 Celine Greene: yeah it was coming through it, but again. 203 00:38:19.140 --> 00:38:19.920 Celine Greene: yeah the. 204 00:38:20.550 --> 00:38:22.530 Megan Latshaw: Music i'm sorry I saw your. 205 00:38:22.740 --> 00:38:23.460 Megan Latshaw: mouth moving. 206 00:38:24.540 --> 00:38:25.260 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Yes, sorry. 207 00:41:34.230 --> 00:41:35.070 Oh great. 208 00:41:37.200 --> 00:41:42.870 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So anytime that video there's a lot of different creative ways that you can. 209 00:41:43.950 --> 00:42:00.030 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And some deeper level of engagement with your course content and recording with our studios ensures the highest quality and highest level of accessibility, with your content that's something that is helpful recorded lectures cannot offer. 210 00:42:01.980 --> 00:42:12.840 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: So if you're planning of course revision or you're interested in learning more about how the content can provide a new angle to your course please contact your internal designer. 211 00:42:14.100 --> 00:42:17.430 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And then we had a couple of shifts. 212 00:42:22.200 --> 00:42:24.300 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Sorry, I keep showing the presenter view. 213 00:42:36.210 --> 00:42:47.580 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: Of course, our least fun topic of discussion at CCL which are deadlines in order to provide that high quality and high impact on sentence to touch them for years. 214 00:42:48.330 --> 00:42:59.400 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: i've listened to deadlines for turns one intern choose here but we're happy to to start discussing new or revised lectures for any term at any time, like I said before. 215 00:43:02.190 --> 00:43:03.480 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: And that's all I had. 216 00:43:07.650 --> 00:43:16.380 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Alright, so our last task for you that you can do over the summer is to stay informed by checking out events news services and resources available to you. 217 00:43:17.010 --> 00:43:22.440 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: As you prepare your course site so specifically i'd like to highlight cpl events and services. 218 00:43:22.950 --> 00:43:33.150 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: we've mentioned so coming to teaching tool kits like this one is a great way to stay informed on the most up to date information from CTS and most up to date tools and best practices. 219 00:43:33.630 --> 00:43:41.370 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And we also provide a lot of services, so if you're interested in working with CTI you can meet with an instructional designer or. 220 00:43:42.150 --> 00:43:55.800 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Even meet with say an audio producer or tech writer, to discuss your your course production or your course design and development so we're happy to work with you to prepare your course site and then also it's always best to to. 221 00:43:57.000 --> 00:44:03.420 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: stay up to date with information coming from the school, so do check out I know we get a lot of emails but do check out those. 222 00:44:03.720 --> 00:44:20.070 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: informational emails coming from the school to stay up to date on policies and plans, especially as we go into hybrid teaching and other methods, while we're still under this code reality so staying up to date is another great way to prepare for next year. 223 00:44:22.140 --> 00:44:31.650 Emily Haagenson, CTL: And amy Kathy reminded us, to mention the cto blog, which also has really great and helpful and quick tidbits that really be. 224 00:44:32.760 --> 00:44:36.480 Emily Haagenson, CTL: Using chorus plus and and all the features of cto easy. 225 00:44:36.990 --> 00:44:44.970 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Yes, that's a great point, thank you for bringing up the blog because that's where we post a lot of our more immediate updates, as well as updates to course plus Thank you. 226 00:44:46.260 --> 00:44:53.760 Mackenzie Brown, CTL: All right, question in the chat about talking about the new technology recently sold in the classroom. 227 00:44:55.350 --> 00:45:01.650 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Sorry, I let me if I open the chat I think it blocks the screen, so I didn't have it open, let me. 228 00:45:03.840 --> 00:45:20.730 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Okay, so new technology recently installed in some classrooms so I unfortunately so I can't speak to say, like the hybrid classrooms because that's not nice that's not particularly undersea to I don't know if anyone else on the call is more informed on the hybrid classrooms. 229 00:45:21.660 --> 00:45:22.200 Kathy. 230 00:45:25.350 --> 00:45:34.890 Kathy Gresh: Kathy grass, I can just say a little we are working with multimedia right now to on planning and coming up with guidance for the. 231 00:45:35.580 --> 00:45:48.510 Kathy Gresh: hybrid classrooms you know a few faculty at the school have been using them during fourth term and they're outfitting more more information will be coming out of this from acted upon from the school. 232 00:45:48.900 --> 00:45:54.150 Kathy Gresh: And, but we're actually going to be doing some testing working alongside multimedia and. 233 00:45:55.140 --> 00:46:06.150 Kathy Gresh: So what we are interested if anyone here on this call has had that experience and would like to share any information with us, because we are also learning about how to. 234 00:46:06.600 --> 00:46:15.630 Kathy Gresh: Best provide guidance to all of the faculty for this fall when they're working with the hybrid classroom so more information to come on that. 235 00:46:17.490 --> 00:46:25.680 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Thank you, Cathy and then I also would like to mention that detail has an exemplar site that i'm going to post, the link to in the chat right now. 236 00:46:25.980 --> 00:46:39.510 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And that's where you can go and see some different examples from ctr so that includes examples of things like assessments and activities but also examples of various recording options like we showed in today's DEMO reel so if you're interested in seeing. 237 00:46:39.900 --> 00:46:49.980 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: The possibilities, but you're you might not necessarily want to go into your own course and change things, yet you can go into that exemplar site and see what things look like and how things play in course plus and. 238 00:46:50.370 --> 00:46:59.160 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: and check out some of our examples there and again that link is posted in the chat So today we really talked about how. 239 00:47:00.120 --> 00:47:09.720 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: How to prepare your court, how to tend to your course over the summer, so we talked about learning objectives we talked about assessment and activities and data and. 240 00:47:10.560 --> 00:47:27.720 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: content and how to stay informed, so now i'd like to open the floor to questions we have about 15 minutes left, so please let us know what are your questions and and how are you or perhaps you could share how you prepare your course over the summer, if there's something that we missed. 241 00:47:42.330 --> 00:47:48.990 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Oh yes, so first term deadlines, let me go ahead and open up, so the first term deadlines were. 242 00:47:51.000 --> 00:48:06.810 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: For new courses, we recommend that you complete your your production by May 31 and then the audio recording deadline for all courses is June 30 and the video recording deadline is July 30 and i'll actually go ahead and copy and paste those into the chat as well. 243 00:48:16.650 --> 00:48:28.920 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: So just to differentiate audio versus video recordings audio recordings are strictly purely audio and they typically are most common audio recording are narrated PowerPoint so. 244 00:48:30.240 --> 00:48:43.380 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: that's when you you typically we would submit your your PowerPoint slides to an audio producer and then you would work with them to narrate those slides and you yourself would not appear on screen, it would just be your slides and your voice. 245 00:48:44.100 --> 00:48:49.740 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: We also do things like podcasts which is less less US but also available. 246 00:48:50.400 --> 00:48:56.550 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: versus video recordings where you appear on the screen and those typically have no more than 10 slides. 247 00:48:56.850 --> 00:49:05.220 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: And those are usually things like video intros like welcome to the course intros or video interviews, or we have a number of other video options so. 248 00:49:05.610 --> 00:49:15.720 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: The reason why there's two different deadlines is audio narrated powerpoints take about eight weeks to produce, whereas videos have a quicker turnaround times that's why there's two different deadlines. 249 00:49:21.570 --> 00:49:27.930 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: For the exemplary site, I believe, if you click that link, you should be able to access the exemplar sites in course plus. 250 00:49:36.210 --> 00:49:38.340 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Oh, and thank you selina for mentioning if you've. 251 00:49:39.000 --> 00:49:51.000 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Access the exemplar site, but now you'd like to be removed at some point just dropping it to see tell help and then we'll remove remove you from that site, and if you just wanted to look in and you're you're done using that site, so thank you sleep. 252 00:49:53.700 --> 00:50:02.010 Parul Christian: I have a question about our guest speakers in a hybrid situation are they what what is going to be. 253 00:50:04.380 --> 00:50:11.130 Parul Christian: asked of them would they be presenting in class or what would they be doing it via zoom. 254 00:50:12.570 --> 00:50:20.910 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: I so again I don't have all those specifics on hybrid instruction, but I imagine that would be up to their choice I see Cathy just unmuted. 255 00:50:21.420 --> 00:50:22.620 Kathy Gresh: yeah I agree with you. 256 00:50:23.790 --> 00:50:36.210 Kathy Gresh: I think it would be their choice because they could be a guest speaker from afar so or they could even be local but not be feel comfortable coming into the school yet so either way they would be able to zoom in or they could be there with you so. 257 00:50:37.170 --> 00:50:39.360 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Thank you Kathy thanks. 258 00:50:43.410 --> 00:50:45.270 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Right any other questions. 259 00:50:47.280 --> 00:50:53.880 Celine Greene: Because we touched on that just a tiny bit I do want to say that, even though we will have training forthcoming and sessions forthcoming about. 260 00:50:54.390 --> 00:51:02.760 Celine Greene: hybrid learning, one of the things that, in addition to all the stuff that great stuff that we learned about today in terms of planning for your courses. 261 00:51:03.240 --> 00:51:11.850 Celine Greene: Everything hybrid should be thought about purposefully to, in addition to the goals and the objectives in the backwards design, you have to consider with hybrid learning. 262 00:51:12.390 --> 00:51:23.580 Celine Greene: The resources, and if there are, for instance i'm going to say the wrong word here but limitations on how many people have to be can be in a space. 263 00:51:24.630 --> 00:51:30.840 Celine Greene: For instance, again hybrid learning, we might have we might be this don't take my word for this, but it may be the. 264 00:51:31.080 --> 00:51:41.490 Celine Greene: rule of thumb is to have a ta is actually be remote, so that they can have that same experience as the remote learners things like that, but so when it comes to guest speakers and activities. 265 00:51:41.940 --> 00:51:52.470 Celine Greene: You have to think about the resources that are available to you in the hybrid space so showcase today we're a lot of wonderful online activities inside, of course, plus. 266 00:51:52.920 --> 00:52:07.380 Celine Greene: Those can still be used in person, so continue to think transformative Lee in terms of your resources, as well as you start to think about the next academic year again objectives backwards design all in line. 267 00:52:07.770 --> 00:52:18.000 Celine Greene: But continue to also bring in your resources, especially and just because something's online does not mean it can't be used in a face to face, setting as a matter of fact, it can be. 268 00:52:18.540 --> 00:52:25.980 Celine Greene: An enrichment, to the face to face setting that just wasn't thought of as transformative before, so I just want to encourage you to also as you're planning. 269 00:52:26.310 --> 00:52:40.890 Celine Greene: To think transformative Lee and to always have that Plan B because honestly I don't know what's around the corner and neither do you be at a snow day or be at a pandemic right, so we always should have our plan B and think about those resources. 270 00:52:44.520 --> 00:52:46.410 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Great points Thank you so much sleep. 271 00:52:49.080 --> 00:52:57.390 Kathy Gresh: I would just finally say young if you are worried about the hybrid I am I think sling can back me up on this we're pretty positive there's going to be. 272 00:52:57.930 --> 00:53:09.060 Kathy Gresh: Academic affairs office will be holding the Dean will be holding a special workshop on a hybrid learning coming up, it has a day it hasn't been set, yet, but there will be one coming up. 273 00:53:09.900 --> 00:53:10.260 yeah. 274 00:53:12.450 --> 00:53:19.410 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: Alright, so just since we we have about seven minutes left but I don't think there are any other questions, but I wanted to. 275 00:53:20.490 --> 00:53:29.760 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: highlight that will send a follow up email with some resources that we've identified that can help you prepare for your course sites, including our helpful who does what checklist. 276 00:53:30.480 --> 00:53:39.870 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: As well as links to our assessments and recording option pages on our teaching toolkit website so those will be shared again via email with all meeting registrants. 277 00:53:40.290 --> 00:53:48.870 Amy Pinkerton, JHSPH CTL Teaching Toolkit: But I just wanted to say thank you again for coming today, and we hope that you found this helpful and I will stick around for a few minutes if anyone has questions but otherwise have a great day.