WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.050 --> 00:00:18.999 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Thank you for joining me. Today we are a small but mighty group who we're going to go through talking about digital accessibility in our classrooms. And today's recording and the resources that I share will be for will be 2 00:00:19.330 --> 00:00:30.369 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): shared in a follow-up email. But it's also I encourage you to pass it along. And there's a lot of things that we're going to touch upon that we actually aren't going to take the time to work through. 3 00:00:30.370 --> 00:00:54.550 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): We're going to learn about the fundamentals, the basics of digital accessibility, but actually putting it in practice in terms of document remediation. That is more of a do on your own activity. And I actually have just finished the demonstration video. So you'll see that as we come up, but hopefully you'll find this time beneficial. Let me go ahead and start sharing my screen. 4 00:00:55.370 --> 00:00:59.699 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): And I just there, it is. Sorry. 5 00:01:10.010 --> 00:01:18.760 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Okay, alright. So digital accessibility in our classrooms is the topic. And let's go ahead and get going. 6 00:01:18.950 --> 00:01:43.750 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I'm Celine Green. I am the Senior Digital teaching and learning strategist at the Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for teaching and learning. I do have a background in digital accessibility as well as inclusive design. So the knowledge base that I am sharing with you comes from a wide perspective. It comes from teaching, it comes from research and federal procurement, and it comes from my own personal quest for knowledge. 7 00:01:43.750 --> 00:02:06.690 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I actually do lead a lot of the accessibility training throughout the university, although it's dialed back somewhat as it's become more of a norm in our culture. Additionally, just so that you can rest assured these aren't things that I've pulled out of thin air. This is through conversations with students, with faculty, with instructional designers across the country. 8 00:02:06.740 --> 00:02:11.910 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): It is again focused in our classrooms, but it can be applicable to more than our classrooms. 9 00:02:12.070 --> 00:02:22.119 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So the goals today are that I will be sharing with you a base understanding of digital accessibility. Knowing the 4 principles of digital accessibility. 10 00:02:22.120 --> 00:02:44.840 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): so that you can have some questions to consider before embracing these 4 tenets or principles of a digital accessibility, and we are going to go ahead and have a different kind of understanding of the benefits of making things accessible in our classrooms, benefits that are beyond meeting a checklist. Item, the benefits that are talking about reaching and communicating to 11 00:02:44.840 --> 00:02:47.519 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): all learners. All of us have 12 00:02:47.620 --> 00:02:51.089 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): reasons why we benefit from accessibility. 13 00:02:51.310 --> 00:03:10.320 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): We're also going to understand our role at Bloomberg School and elsewhere at Hopkins, in making things accessible, including implementing strategies that in the classroom that can apply to each of these 4 principles of digital accessibility. And we're also going to go ahead and consider our next steps. 14 00:03:11.940 --> 00:03:21.770 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So we're gonna have a start with this holistic review of accessibility before we go into the 4 principles. And I have this interesting, I think it's interesting 15 00:03:22.190 --> 00:03:44.749 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): persona and scenario exercise that will allow us to develop some empathy and more understanding about how accessibility matches and crosses over barriers or removes barriers, matches individuals with these solutions that we're going to be considering today. There's also, again I mentioned 16 00:03:44.750 --> 00:03:53.840 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): as the preamble, that is, a couple exercises of document, remediation, Powerpoint and word documents. But that's going to be on your own. 17 00:03:53.840 --> 00:03:56.799 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and we will also have time hopefully for discussion. 18 00:03:57.720 --> 00:04:12.060 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So let me go ahead and start by saying that universal, inclusive design is nothing without accessible design and accessible design is nothing without digital accessibility, and all of that 19 00:04:12.660 --> 00:04:39.221 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): is nothing. Without these supporting practices I can have something that is inclusive. I can have something, a room that is accessible. I can have the resources in the room be digitally accessible, whether it's a physical room or a virtual room. But if I am not practicing accessibility even so much as, for instance, describing what I'm showing to you, or 20 00:04:39.760 --> 00:05:00.780 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): again, making sure that I am speaking, at a pace that can be translated if you required a translation, services or transcribing services, transcription, all of that, those are supporting practices, all of that is all concentric. So accessibility itself is actually referring to 21 00:05:00.780 --> 00:05:11.110 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): the digital and physical environments and resources. It's a quality that measures the absence of barriers. So if you say, if something is accessible or not. 22 00:05:11.110 --> 00:05:13.229 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): we're talking about how 23 00:05:13.660 --> 00:05:39.820 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): how many barriers are removed. It's a quality that measures the absence of barriers that might be encountered by people and the technologies they might rely on. Those are assistive technologies. So if you think, is it accessible, you think of individual circumstances, including medical conditions, but might not be medical, might be other impairments, such as getting through a paywall. 24 00:05:39.870 --> 00:05:48.529 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): These circumstances should not prevent or disable people from interacting with an accessible environment or resource. 25 00:05:49.050 --> 00:06:02.719 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So there are legal reasons still in place for embracing inaccessible culture. We foremost need to be concerned and connected on an intellectual, empathetic, and humanitarian level. 26 00:06:02.940 --> 00:06:12.979 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): the culture of accessibility will adapt to multiple ways of teaching, learning and communicating. It's going to allow us to be more productive and efficient. 27 00:06:13.030 --> 00:06:42.620 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So when we are being accessible, we're going to avoid that rework of adapting something that isn't accessible to a segment of the population. No longer. Are we going to say? Oh, I've got somebody who has a documented accommodation in my presence. Let me go ahead and redesign something. You're not going to have to redesign. It's going to be accessible from the get go from the start. An accessible culture doesn't just benefit that person with the impairment doesn't just benefit somebody with a classified disability. 28 00:06:42.620 --> 00:06:44.900 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): It benefits all of us. 29 00:06:45.050 --> 00:07:08.239 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Consider the directions that come with a bookshelf from Ikea, or something like that, and how much better those directions could be if it wasn't just pictures. If it also came in a text version, right? If it became more accessible to more individuals. Because if I can't see the directions, how am I going to have them relayed to me unless I have 30 00:07:08.280 --> 00:07:26.869 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): some assistant in between versus? If I had text. Perhaps that could be read by a screen. Reader, it's better for all of us not just seeing the pictures, but also seeing the text. Having these options. There's a lot of great reasons to embrace accessibility. 31 00:07:27.130 --> 00:07:33.610 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and then we also have the legal requirements that again are still in place. So 32 00:07:33.860 --> 00:07:43.349 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): consider the legal mandates just a little bit of the stick, but I want us to be concentrating on the carrot. It's better for everyone. 33 00:07:44.610 --> 00:08:08.070 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So disabling situations occur due to mismatches between a person's abilities and the barriers by the thing they're interacting with. Often those barriers are unintended, and they're unnecessary. Accessibility means avoiding these unnecessary barriers. So we have to choose accessibility. 34 00:08:08.340 --> 00:08:19.449 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I just realized that my toolbar was floating right on the screen. I apologize. We have to choose accessibility. We have to choose to be accessibility in our design. 35 00:08:19.450 --> 00:08:43.669 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): in our building or editing, in our maintenance of our resources and our environments, we have to involve others that includes learning together like we are today training others. So if you are working with somebody, let's just say on a presentation, whether it's a fellow student or fellow faculty member or a staff member, and you know how to do alt text. 36 00:08:43.669 --> 00:08:50.749 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Take a moment to train that other person alt text. It's a ripple effect that training. Others 37 00:08:50.760 --> 00:09:14.050 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): make time to review and refresh your knowledge, because things change and clarity happens over the years and sometimes over the months, so make time to review, and also just make sure. We lead by example, embrace accessibility, integrating it into the workplace, into the classroom, and even our personal practices. If you are posting on Linkedin. 38 00:09:14.340 --> 00:09:21.939 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Consider making making your alternative text for an image you might share there in Linkedin. 39 00:09:22.560 --> 00:09:23.760 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Thanks, Amy. 40 00:09:24.020 --> 00:09:28.640 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Amy expressed a comment about the ripple effect of training others. Thank you. 41 00:09:29.850 --> 00:09:49.789 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So we want to go ahead and understand digital accessibility. I talked about accessibility, this broad umbrella that comes under inclusiveness. It comes digital accessibility comes under accessible environments and resources. And again, the most important thing, though, is the supporting practices. 42 00:09:49.940 --> 00:10:15.509 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So here we are talking about the 4 principles of accessibility. Nice, easy acronym. I love acronyms. I love any mnemonic that's going to help me remember, and we want to consider pouring ourselves into accessibility. The principles of accessibility are the standards, these overarching standards that serve to have the success criteria for the web 43 00:10:15.690 --> 00:10:44.560 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): worldwide web consortium. That's the W. 3 C's web, accessibility, initiative, and the Wcag, the web content, accessibility, guidelines, and also section 508 is aligned with these 4 accessibility principles, and that is that things must be perceivable. Perceivable content will make it possible for all of your learners and constituents to see and hear the information 44 00:10:44.660 --> 00:10:47.640 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): operable. The O of poor 45 00:10:47.970 --> 00:10:56.189 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): operable content will help all of your learners navigate the information independently. Using their preferred tools 46 00:10:56.260 --> 00:11:02.309 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): could be keyboard could be mouse could be an eye tracker or a puff switch. 47 00:11:02.310 --> 00:11:26.499 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): understandable, understandable content will support your learners. Understanding through consistent and predictable design and robust, robust content, will work for your learners on a range of current and future technologies, including assistive technologies. So if I've made my word document, we're going to go into these a little bit deeper over the next few minutes. But if I've waited. 48 00:11:26.500 --> 00:11:30.409 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): made my word document accessible in the year 2,010, 49 00:11:30.510 --> 00:11:40.090 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): word has since had 2, 3, 4 evolutions of word right? So now we're in office 3, 65, if it was accessible in 2010 50 00:11:40.140 --> 00:12:08.939 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): means it's robust enough to be opened in word 365, and still communicate the same information. It also means that it's robust enough to be saved as a Pdf. Document and still communicate the same information. The tables are still tables. The ordered lists still look like ordered lists. If I save it as a web page, it also again communicates the same information that just is a taste of what robustness is. 51 00:12:09.620 --> 00:12:10.730 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So 52 00:12:10.840 --> 00:12:21.319 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): we can also think about these principles, perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust, to go beyond digital technologies and resources. 53 00:12:21.480 --> 00:12:24.540 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and we'll learn a bit more over the coming up. 54 00:12:24.740 --> 00:12:32.480 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So let's start with perceivable going into a little bit of a deeper dive of perceivable perceivable information are 55 00:12:32.630 --> 00:12:39.980 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): resources and tools that can be accessed and presented in manners that reach reach multiple senses. 56 00:12:40.250 --> 00:12:50.490 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So questions we can ask ourselves. And these are questions that are posted by the accessible educational materials, organization 57 00:12:50.640 --> 00:13:10.319 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): out of cast, which is the center for applied special technologies which deals with the Udl also. But so these questions reflect those posted on aim, accessible educational materials site. But it goes beyond to reflect more interpretations from other sources and myself. 58 00:13:10.490 --> 00:13:18.570 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So can the information be perceived with more than one sense? Can I have something read aloud? If I can't see it? 59 00:13:18.760 --> 00:13:24.700 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Can I see something if I can't hear it? Do I have captions available for a video? 60 00:13:25.170 --> 00:13:27.839 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Can we customize the display? 61 00:13:28.190 --> 00:13:44.129 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Can I zoom in on a graphic without it becoming fuzzy? Don't use low resolution images in the Pdfs that you're distributing because somebody might need to zoom in and you want them still to be able to perceive that display of information? 62 00:13:44.270 --> 00:13:57.630 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Can I change the font without losing a hidden meeting? Can I view a course page or a document on a phone mobile phone and still have it display similar to how it displays on my laptop's browser. 63 00:13:58.040 --> 00:14:07.089 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Can I switch to Grayscale and still discern what's being shown? So again, those are all examples of customizing the display? 64 00:14:07.550 --> 00:14:33.489 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Are there text alternatives to the embedded media? Is there a downloadable transcript? Is there alternate text or full description in close proximity to a non decorative image, such as a chart, or even, or excuse me to a non decorative image, or a chart, or video, or anything that's not text. Is there. A text alternative that can be shared 65 00:14:34.090 --> 00:14:45.950 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): is the text, including the font that I'm sharing, readable and legible is the text size too small to be projected in our classroom or on a zoom panel. 66 00:14:46.080 --> 00:15:11.919 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): The slide I'm showing you today is over zoom. So the small font, if you wanted to. I know you could zoom in on the display and look at it. However, the italicized font in the bottom of this slide that says, See references list at end of presentation for source information that really is too small. It's too small for sharing. If it was meaningful. 67 00:15:12.050 --> 00:15:29.140 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): If you were to display a Powerpoint in a classroom in person, face to face or in a presentation, and not over zoom. You better make sure that font size is nice and big, so that everybody can read it because nobody's gonna have the personal zoom option when you're in person. 68 00:15:29.570 --> 00:15:49.710 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Lastly, another question to ask is, are there accessible alternatives for special notations such as mathematic and scientific notation, as we often find in epi and other courses at school of public health. So for equations and scientific formulas. 69 00:15:50.090 --> 00:16:03.619 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): there are specific things that you can do to make those. And that's a deep dive a little bit further than today's talk goes. But there are specific things you can do to make those accessible 70 00:16:03.700 --> 00:16:23.679 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): to assistive technologies, such as not just passing on a Pdf that includes the equation because it's not going to be accessible, but sharing the actual Powerpoint or Latex document with the individual who is relying on an assistive technology to read those accessible equations. 71 00:16:24.380 --> 00:16:40.610 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So here are some strategies that we can start doing right away in our classrooms to make sure that our resources are perceivable. We never use color alone to distinguish something. Our audio and video always have transcripts and captions. 72 00:16:40.750 --> 00:16:57.170 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): We provide narrations of all visuals, including, if we're annotating or solving an equation, we describe what we're doing, rich text editors and documents, such as Microsoft word. We will always use the styles 73 00:16:57.170 --> 00:17:14.850 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): also, even in courseplus. By the way, that's a rich text editor, when you're editing a web page. In courseplus, rich text editors will use the styles, such as headings, lists, etc, that are actually built in structured elements. They provide document structure 74 00:17:14.849 --> 00:17:26.259 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): which allows somebody who's relying on assistive technology to perceive this is the start of the list. This is the end of the list, even if they can't visually discern it. For instance. 75 00:17:26.260 --> 00:17:50.159 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): we're also going to include alt text for all of those non-text objects, including all non decorative images and the tables and charts. As I mentioned previously, we're going to make sure that our documents can be resized without losing information, and we can have descriptions or alt text for complex charts and tables. So not just the alt text. 76 00:17:50.240 --> 00:18:09.540 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): but a caption or other description for our complex charts and tables. It actually helps all of us right. It's not just the person who can't visually discern it, but it's the person who might have a cognitive, temporary, or permanent cognitive impairment in understanding what it is that they're looking at 77 00:18:12.010 --> 00:18:31.740 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): moving on, operable as a principle. That means that resources and tools can be maneuvered or navigated and used by everyone with minimal effort, including those using assistive technologies. I mentioned up front. I gave you a preview that could be mouse or keyboard to navigate through a document, right? Or a website. 78 00:18:31.990 --> 00:18:38.710 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Some of the questions we can ask ourselves, determining whether or not our resources are operable. 79 00:18:39.030 --> 00:18:54.030 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): We can ask ourselves, are there flexible options to control or respond to the websites and materials? Is there a shortcut or aid to navigation? So we know where we are? Do we know where a link will take us without us having to click on it. 80 00:18:54.480 --> 00:19:06.299 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Can we control timing and movement of media? Can we avoid inducing harm such as seizures? Let me talk through this a little bit, and then I want you to think of things that 81 00:19:06.480 --> 00:19:13.430 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): start brainstorming you, to think of things that might be toward the operable principle. 82 00:19:13.600 --> 00:19:16.510 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): flexible options. I mentioned keyboard and mouse 83 00:19:17.095 --> 00:19:21.769 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): shortcut to aid or navigation, so we know where we are. 84 00:19:22.690 --> 00:19:29.170 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): If I told you and you were reading a book that I found a great quote about 85 00:19:29.990 --> 00:19:31.520 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): the future of Public Health. 86 00:19:32.060 --> 00:19:34.600 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I could tell you the page number where it was at 87 00:19:34.740 --> 00:19:40.200 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): right, because no book that I've ever read hasn't had a page number. 88 00:19:40.520 --> 00:19:50.199 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): so can somebody tell me the shortcut or aid to navigation, so that we know where we are, in a word, document, or a slide. 89 00:19:51.280 --> 00:19:54.399 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I'm opening this up. Just go ahead and unmute yourself, please. 90 00:19:57.680 --> 00:20:03.940 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): A shortcut to aid or navigation, so that we know where we are in a Powerpoint or word document. 91 00:20:08.790 --> 00:20:13.000 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I'm gonna magnify my screen, going over to the bottom right corner 92 00:20:13.250 --> 00:20:20.819 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): to something that's very important here. That is a shortcut to aid or navigation, and what you're seeing 93 00:20:21.430 --> 00:20:30.040 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): is in the bottom of all of my slides in the same location you'll see a slide number. 94 00:20:30.700 --> 00:20:36.630 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and the slide number, just like a page number in a book, is a shortcut to aid or navigation. 95 00:20:37.660 --> 00:20:45.019 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): If I were coming into class late, and I or I was reviewing something, and I wanted to know. 96 00:20:45.540 --> 00:21:05.199 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): or something could be found in the lecture. I'd want to know the slide number. What slide was being referenced to, and I don't want to have to count through it. I might have a Pdf. Printout of the slides. That might be 3 to a page, for instance. But if I have slide numbers there, that is a shortcut or an aid to navigation, so we know where we are. 97 00:21:06.140 --> 00:21:15.959 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): so do we know where a link will take us without us having to click on it? That is what we are doing to make it operable when we have a meaningful link. 98 00:21:16.340 --> 00:21:19.630 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I mentioned very briefly a puff switch. 99 00:21:19.700 --> 00:21:46.689 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): If you're unfamiliar with the assistive technology of a puff switch, somebody who does not have the manual dexterity. To control a mouse or a keyboard might be controlling their navigation, literally using a puff switch. It is a device that is like clicking a mouse, and you can control the web access or document access through the breath of your mouth. 100 00:21:47.180 --> 00:21:57.080 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So if I click on a link with my mouse and I say. Oh, that's not what I was expecting. I can hit the back button very easily. 101 00:21:57.180 --> 00:22:03.810 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Now imagine the effort that has to be exerted. If I'm not just clicking on a mouse. 102 00:22:04.400 --> 00:22:13.610 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): We want to make sure that all of our hyperlinks are actually meaningful. Hyperlink, like some things such as 103 00:22:13.990 --> 00:22:24.139 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): this, is the video for the lecture today. That is the meaningful hyperlink. The Www. Is not the meaningful hyperlink. 104 00:22:24.340 --> 00:22:50.480 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Only sometimes will that www. The full URL be a meaningful hyperlink, such as the case with. I think it's apa citation. I don't think it's Mla. You have to have that full, URL, or if I want you to remember an address, and I'm displaying it to you. Then. Bsph! Excuse me, ctltoolkit.com is a meaningful hyperlink, so I do want to share that with you. 105 00:22:50.640 --> 00:23:07.730 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So that is part of operable. It makes it easier to operate because it's fewer clicks, fewer exerting of exertion, of energy. If we have that fulfilled that option of do we know where a link will take us without us having to click on it? 106 00:23:08.200 --> 00:23:14.540 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Can we control the timing and movement of media and avoiding inducing harm such as seizures. 107 00:23:15.170 --> 00:23:32.599 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): This is why we don't have flashing objects and movies just displaying in our Powerpoint presentations because the end user has to be able to control the start and stop. And ideally, the actually, the speed of the video 108 00:23:32.810 --> 00:23:42.590 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and the seizures, the flashing objects that actually, there is a standard. It's no more than 3 flashes in a second. But who's going to be measuring that 109 00:23:42.890 --> 00:24:02.799 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): that standard is set because some people with certain brain trauma or disability, such as epilepsy. Their seizures are actually induced oftentimes by that flashing content. That's why you see the warnings or read the warnings on videos that are movie theaters. Like warning seizures may be induced. 110 00:24:02.910 --> 00:24:07.939 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Caution, blah, blah! We're not putting those on our lectures. We're just not including flashing content. 111 00:24:08.680 --> 00:24:33.319 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So some of the strategies we've already listed are already talked about here that we can embrace to make sure that things are operable, including that all documents and websites are made keyboard accessible. There is testing for this. If you're using courseplus and designing your site, in courseplus, it is operable. Same thing with word. As long as you're embracing proper structure. 112 00:24:33.510 --> 00:24:36.930 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): page or slide numbers are always going to be included. 113 00:24:37.620 --> 00:24:57.000 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): have properly nested headings that provides document structure. If I'm using an assistive technology, and I want to skip between sections. I don't want to just use my arrow down. As a matter of fact, on my keyboard. As a matter of fact, let me quickly show you a word document 114 00:24:57.540 --> 00:25:08.260 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): that is properly structured. So this is heading level one. And if I were using assistive technology because I've selected to. By the way, view Navigation Pane. 115 00:25:08.680 --> 00:25:11.000 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I can go to heading Level one. 116 00:25:11.270 --> 00:25:14.110 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I can see that there's a heading level 2, 117 00:25:14.530 --> 00:25:34.109 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and I can expand this to see heading 2 is selected. I can see there's even heading level threes. These are properly nested headings, so that I can easily get to my content. It is more operable for myself and somebody who is reliant on assistive technology. 118 00:25:34.930 --> 00:25:39.639 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): And I also talked about the timing, avoiding, flashing. 119 00:25:39.780 --> 00:25:43.969 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): flashing content, and also the meaningful hyperlinks 120 00:25:44.800 --> 00:25:54.949 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): moving right along. Understandable resources and tools are consistent and predictable or intuitive, without distracting from information being communicated 121 00:25:55.070 --> 00:26:02.436 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): that even includes our course, sites and documents. If you are going to give or create students. 122 00:26:03.400 --> 00:26:27.489 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): an assignment for students, rather, you're not going to create students. You're going to create or give assignments to students. Make sure that your instructions are already always in the same place. Make sure, if there's a rubric, that it can always be accessed in the same place. It's consistent and predictable that makes it understandable, and you don't want it to distract from the information being communicated. 123 00:26:27.630 --> 00:26:35.019 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So the questions to ask include are the tone styles, words and phrases appropriate for the intended audience 124 00:26:35.150 --> 00:26:40.890 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): is the resource organized in a logical manner, so that it's intuitive and consistent 125 00:26:41.100 --> 00:26:49.220 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): are the interactive elements, including the hyperlinks, understood without clicking or interacting. 126 00:26:49.480 --> 00:26:55.150 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): See some of these practices, by the way, go toward more than one principle. Here's 1 of them. 127 00:26:55.330 --> 00:27:24.070 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Is there guidance to complete a task, including avoiding unnecessary errors? This is kind of like just good design, right? But it actually goes toward making things understandable. You're not going to use terminology without an explanation that might not be familiar with your audience. That includes spelling out acronyms the 1st time they're used. You are not going to go ahead and say 128 00:27:25.680 --> 00:27:36.509 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): to ask students to complete a task without giving them the proper guidance. That is the understandable principle of digital accessibility. 129 00:27:36.870 --> 00:27:41.950 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So in our classrooms we explain unfamiliar words or acronyms. 130 00:27:42.050 --> 00:28:07.499 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): The 1st time they're used, we make sure there's consistent navigation on the course site and our activities, the documents that we're sharing with our students. We make sure that if there's some novel element or activity, say, you are to bring in a poll everywhere activity or a zoom, Poll, that's not really familiar. It's not commonplace. You provide guidance the 1st time it's used. And again, the meaningful hyperlinks. 131 00:28:07.610 --> 00:28:34.400 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): And also, if you're giving a form to students, make sure that it's fields that are mandatory are marked, required or mandatory. And also, if you're asking for something like a date or an address. Make sure that form field only accepts a date or an address you don't want to have again. You don't want people to have to exert extra energy by going back and fixing mistakes that they didn't even know 132 00:28:34.540 --> 00:28:39.110 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): were going to be mistakes. It was because of how that resource was set up. 133 00:28:40.340 --> 00:28:58.680 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Lastly, robustness just going through real quick resources and tools, will work across platforms and technologies, including assistive technologies and future iterations of the current technologies we're working on. I go back to that 1st example. When I introduced robustness of Microsoft office in 2010, 134 00:28:58.680 --> 00:29:21.970 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): being able to open up in Microsoft Office 365 in the year 2025, and additionally being able to save that document to a Pdf. Or a web page without losing the communication that it was intended. That is a robust document. So the questions are, can we save or export to a different format without losing structure and context 135 00:29:21.970 --> 00:29:27.430 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): communicate effectively? Does it work on different devices? Laptop and phone? 136 00:29:27.440 --> 00:29:39.350 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Are there restrictions to accessing and using the resource? If you've put a password on an actual document. Word has the option. Microsoft word has the option to password protect it. 137 00:29:39.350 --> 00:29:59.149 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): You're making somebody step through an extra hoop to get to that information, that extra effort instead. Just protect the link that you share to that document. If they have the right to be there, they're going to have the right to be there. Try not to put other restrictions on an actual document. 138 00:30:01.140 --> 00:30:27.140 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): so that's the last of the suggestions for strategies for embracing robustness is no passwords protect the document. One of these strategies I did not mention, yet the primary language and title, those are the metadata or properties or file information of a document should be saved with the document or website that helps again, an assistive technology 139 00:30:27.140 --> 00:30:34.820 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): to understand what it's supposed to be translating. So make sure that the primary language and title 140 00:30:35.500 --> 00:30:43.110 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): English as a primary language, is automatically saved with your word or Powerpoint documents. If you installed it 141 00:30:43.310 --> 00:31:02.400 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): choosing English. So if it's a school installed Microsoft Office version, then it's already determined as English. But if you were creating something on your own, such as something from using adobe indesign. You'd want to specify in the file information that its primary language was English. 142 00:31:03.170 --> 00:31:15.049 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Alright. This compiled list of questions to ask 4 questions for a digitally accessible classroom is available from the teaching toolkit site. It's also available 143 00:31:15.330 --> 00:31:33.590 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): from the link that I'll share. And it is all these questions, but well, not all these questions, but it addresses all of the same things it summarized. So this is the document that I encourage you to hang on, to, to refer to and to share with others. 144 00:31:33.880 --> 00:31:34.860 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Okay? 145 00:31:38.120 --> 00:31:41.029 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): And again, that will be in the follow, follow up email. 146 00:31:41.350 --> 00:31:50.460 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So in getting things perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. We actually have a list of expectations for faculty. We are 147 00:31:50.940 --> 00:32:08.589 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): not going, too, in depth. We've actually shared a lot of it. But once again on our toolkit. This is going to be shared in link, this checklist that we're going to go through is actually available on our teaching toolkit again, all of these links will be shared in email. 148 00:32:08.820 --> 00:32:17.699 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): But sorry moving around. Zoom, zoom menus, I've lost my chat. 149 00:32:18.390 --> 00:32:24.100 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): But that's okay. These will. These will be shared. Okay. So 150 00:32:24.740 --> 00:32:34.979 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): the document, quick overview. Minimum document. Expectations of faculty and staff at Johns Hopkins University. This has been since January of 2021, by the way. 151 00:32:34.980 --> 00:33:00.150 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): is that we start by using accessible templates. They don't make your document accessible, but they lend themselves toward your document being accessible. We also want to make sure that we're using those built in tools for formatting. We saw some of the reasons why we want to use those built in tools. We also want to make sure we use tables that are properly structured, and only for organizing data. 152 00:33:00.600 --> 00:33:25.150 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): We want to make sure that we have table headers, for instance. And again, don't use tables for layout, but table headers tell us what's in the table, and it provides that understanding principle. And if you're using tables for layout. Somebody who's using an assistive technology might come across a table and not understand why it's not sorted data. So use tables only for organizing data. 153 00:33:25.700 --> 00:33:49.389 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Additionally, we want to make sure that we don't use color alone. That goes toward the perceivable principle to distinguish something. We want to make sure that there's sufficient contrast ratio. So if I view something in Grayscale, it still is perceivable. It's still understood. And we want to make sure that we provide that alt text. Again, minimum expectations of faculties. 154 00:33:49.430 --> 00:33:56.749 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): The how to provide alt text is listed in the demonstration videos that will be shared as part of this follow up email. 155 00:33:57.730 --> 00:34:05.080 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Additionally, we've talked about meaningful hyperlinks a bunch. Guess what? That's an expectation that faculty will adhere to that. 156 00:34:05.230 --> 00:34:23.079 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): We're also expecting faculty, that if you are sharing a Pdf. That it also be accessible. So we suggest starting with an accessible word or Powerpoint document and then saving it as a Pdf. If you go from word or Powerpoint 157 00:34:23.260 --> 00:34:33.850 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): to Pdf, usually the accessibility, the structure, and other accessible principles are saved with that. Pdf. 158 00:34:34.570 --> 00:34:48.539 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): we do want to go ahead and use built in accessibility checkers, adobe acrobat has it. Microsoft office, word Powerpoint excel. They all have built-in tools. However, the human is the 159 00:34:48.770 --> 00:35:12.970 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): person who must verify it just because I have alt text. It's going to pass accessibility checker. But it doesn't mean it. Make it meaningful. My alt text for an image, non decorative image might be Filename Dot, Jpg, that's not meaningful. So it's passing the checker. But the human is the one. The final editor is the one who has to verify it. 160 00:35:14.270 --> 00:35:26.620 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): And then, lastly, we want to make sure that if you're providing some media, such as a video or audio file that you do provide the alternate forms of content, including captions 161 00:35:26.760 --> 00:35:39.562 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): or transcripts in course, plus, we have interactive transcripts instead of closed captioning. But it is time based transcripts. And you'll notice when we share videos through our 162 00:35:40.160 --> 00:35:55.089 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): toolkit site, our videos on demands Page, we actually share the transcript separately from the videos. That's all we can do, because there's not yet a built in player for us, like there is on course, plus with that interactive transcript. 163 00:35:56.310 --> 00:36:04.010 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Lastly, one more easy lift. I'd like you to consider doing document saving your files with document properties. 164 00:36:04.310 --> 00:36:12.579 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): At this point I just want to stop sharing and ask. It's a lot of information, but I wanted to ask if there's any questions at this point. 165 00:36:16.200 --> 00:36:16.609 Aster Meche: No question. 166 00:36:16.610 --> 00:36:17.000 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Okay. 167 00:36:17.310 --> 00:36:18.000 Aster Meche: Yeah. 168 00:36:18.527 --> 00:36:25.079 Aster Meche: it's really been helpful thinking through about presentation and just how to format things that I haven't thought about before. 169 00:36:25.650 --> 00:36:50.260 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Good again. Thank you. So one of the things again about this training is to think beyond that checklist. But it is important to have that checklist. We just have to think every single thing we're doing. Is it perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust? And instead of thinking of the definitions, those questions to ask, including that Pdf, that will be shared again with you. 170 00:36:50.260 --> 00:37:04.620 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): The poor in our classroom. Pdf, that's going to help you help you to start thinking differently. Also to help you start thinking differently, to help everybody start thinking differently. I want to share a file. 171 00:37:08.050 --> 00:37:10.040 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I can. Here we go 172 00:37:17.330 --> 00:37:22.039 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and apologize. I'm sitting here clicking things, and 173 00:37:22.770 --> 00:37:25.750 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): it's the wrong thing. Scenario exercise. Here we go. 174 00:37:28.560 --> 00:37:29.970 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Where did it go? 175 00:37:31.560 --> 00:37:32.840 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): By? Zoom? 176 00:37:39.330 --> 00:37:40.909 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Oh, okay, there it is. 177 00:37:42.270 --> 00:37:42.855 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Okay. 178 00:37:43.960 --> 00:37:58.229 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So I'm going to. We're such a small group today, and this is being recorded. But I am going to go ahead and share. Give you all a few minutes to download this document and let me go back to screen sharing. 179 00:37:59.370 --> 00:38:03.219 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): But this is going to be one of these on, please. 180 00:38:03.702 --> 00:38:10.199 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): On your own download the document and open it. It is an access, a digitally accessible document. 181 00:38:12.120 --> 00:38:17.579 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): But this is the document that I've shared digital accessibility scenario exercise. 182 00:38:17.740 --> 00:38:19.000 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): And 183 00:38:20.140 --> 00:38:42.680 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): typically if I'm doing this, I ask people to choose, or I. We go round Robin, to choose one of the personas. If you are not seeing the navigation menu. You can select view navigation pane in Microsoft word, and you will see that there are personas, and there are scenarios. 184 00:38:43.110 --> 00:38:47.130 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So if you don't mind, choose a persona. 185 00:38:47.610 --> 00:38:58.510 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and then read one or more of the scenarios, and think about how that person that persona might be 186 00:38:59.530 --> 00:39:00.530 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): might 187 00:39:01.110 --> 00:39:09.839 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): might be helped by changing something in this scenario. And I apologize. This is not actually the one, the 188 00:39:12.737 --> 00:39:19.112 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): the version that I had wanted to share. But that's okay. This will be okay. I just, I have one that has a 189 00:39:21.060 --> 00:39:26.359 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): has more examples. So as you're doing that again, I'm just going to give you a few minutes. 190 00:39:27.030 --> 00:39:31.670 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): I'm just gonna play some nice muted music, and I'm going to stop sharing the screen again. 191 00:39:32.000 --> 00:39:35.850 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So again, your task over the next few minutes 192 00:39:39.430 --> 00:39:41.659 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): is to choose a persona. 193 00:39:41.790 --> 00:39:50.880 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and then think about how the scenario, one or more scenarios, might be modified to make it better for your persona. 194 00:43:57.440 --> 00:44:04.771 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): so that was supposed to be a 4 min song, and apparently I had a 47 min song going, so I apologize. 195 00:44:06.160 --> 00:44:27.909 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): let's go ahead and share. I shared afterward through the chat, the document that's actually linked in the follow up email that has some examples of digital barriers for Fohe. And then some strategies to avoid those barriers for the on campus synchronous class session. So can anybody share. 196 00:44:28.090 --> 00:44:35.329 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): maybe a persona that they chose other than Vohe and some of their potential barriers that that individual encountered. 197 00:44:37.410 --> 00:44:40.865 Aster Meche: Yeah. So I read Ella, the lawyer. 198 00:44:41.880 --> 00:45:05.340 Aster Meche: she is going back to school because she's transitioning or wants to go back to school because she's transitioning from corporate to public policy, and talked about some of her concerns about returning to the classroom being nervous, having hand tremors some time ago, and they're getting worse, having eyesight starting to fail and some trouble reading in low light. 199 00:45:06.480 --> 00:45:10.899 Aster Meche: So some digital barriers that she's brought up 200 00:45:11.810 --> 00:45:23.839 Aster Meche: so, you know, mainly eyesight, maybe having adjusting the the brightness of the room or the the sides. Having digital copies of what you'll be presenting would probably be helpful. 201 00:45:24.450 --> 00:45:35.309 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): 100. Those are great. Those are great ideas to make life better for Ella and for many of the other personas and myself. Even so. 202 00:45:35.500 --> 00:45:42.730 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Carrie, how about you? Can you share something about a persona and maybe some strategies to avoid digital barriers. 203 00:45:43.100 --> 00:45:49.419 Keri McAvoy: Sure. I focused on Gleb, who is a research assistant. 204 00:45:49.660 --> 00:45:57.439 Keri McAvoy: He excels academically and credits that to a documented accommodation for Adhd. 205 00:45:57.680 --> 00:46:01.550 Keri McAvoy: That accommodation includes flexible deadlines on assignments 206 00:46:02.198 --> 00:46:10.531 Keri McAvoy: breaks and extended time during formally structured assessments, permission to record class sessions, and so on, and so on. 207 00:46:11.140 --> 00:46:35.671 Keri McAvoy: Sorry I I then jumped down to the scenario and I is that okay to I I looked at scenario one which is the on campus synchronous, and a couple of barriers, I noticed were the lack of flexibility for assessments, and the fact that the instructor often moved around a lot and did not record their lessons. 208 00:46:36.200 --> 00:46:39.239 Keri McAvoy: so yeah, that those were just some things that jumped out to me. 209 00:46:40.400 --> 00:46:46.620 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): That's great. Thank you for sharing. So I will say you're given the personas 210 00:46:47.330 --> 00:46:55.050 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): to think about things in a different way. I could have just given you the scenarios, and just said, How can I make these scenarios better for everybody? 211 00:46:55.370 --> 00:46:59.499 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): And we might have said things like the lighting. 212 00:46:59.880 --> 00:47:24.009 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): having a microphone whatever. But when we start to hear all the potential ways that it might affect more than one person, we might start to expand our thought process a little bit. There's something in the second version of the document where I gave the examples in the strategies to avoid potential environmental barriers. 213 00:47:24.744 --> 00:47:32.019 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): as well as examples for vohes digital barriers. There was something about the instructor wearing a Lav mic. 214 00:47:32.280 --> 00:47:45.529 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): We think we can project our voice. We think we're fine with our screen off when we're teaching. Some people rely on lip reading, even if they don't have a documented accommodation right? 215 00:47:45.770 --> 00:47:53.850 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Some people need to step into the room with an assistant assisted listening device. Ald. 216 00:47:53.850 --> 00:48:17.159 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and that instructor should not be fumbling with it the 1st day to figure out how to wear that lav mic. So if it's there, wear it. And also this was discussed in a staff meeting several years ago, because we were in person about having that talking stick to pass a mic does the same thing. It draws attention to the speaker 217 00:48:17.160 --> 00:48:46.179 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and allows us all to hear clear. Hear a lot more clearly, and I don't know if anybody in this group has dealt with hearing aids before. But hearing aids have to be fine tuned for different volumes and different environmental factors. And so, for instance, I have family members who wear hearing Aids. If I'm in a restaurant talking, they can't hear a thing that I'm saying, unless I'm talking directly to them. 218 00:48:46.200 --> 00:48:54.900 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): or if the television is on, unless I'm talking directly to them, because that is what their hearing aid was adjusted to. It wasn't adjusted to. 219 00:48:56.530 --> 00:49:09.130 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Throw out the din, the background noise. Amy, you didn't have a chance to speak. I apologize. Can you think of any strategies, or identify any of the barriers that you were unfamiliar with either or go ahead. 220 00:49:09.360 --> 00:49:26.950 Amy Pinkerton: Yeah, actually, one thing that point that stood out to me. So I did Pravi, the multitasker, and in her persona she mentioned that she has dyslexia, and one thing that stood out to me that I know that course plus does is you can view course, plus in fonts that are more easily read. 221 00:49:27.218 --> 00:49:44.419 Amy Pinkerton: And if I were an instructor I would also want to make sure that any fonts that I use, or if I'm doing things that are really text heavy. I might offer an alternative like an audio version like an audio book or if it's like a really large block of text, just to make sure it's a little bit easier to read. 222 00:49:44.420 --> 00:49:45.610 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): That's all right. 223 00:49:45.720 --> 00:50:13.660 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Yeah, that's great. I will say there is a lot of discussion in design and accessibility fields over the right fonts to use course, plus as an option to user profile. You can switch on a dyslexic friendly font. But overall rule of thumb is that you use sans serif. So without the serif, so something like calibri, or aptos, or 224 00:50:13.780 --> 00:50:17.850 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): aerial, those are sans serif. They don't have the feet on them. 225 00:50:18.230 --> 00:50:42.389 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Rule of thumb is that you use those to display large blocks of text or text that's large. But you use the serif font for like headers. Again, think of like classroom display. But when it comes to people who have a problem reading through dyslexia, the serifs something that gives direction and helps 226 00:50:42.590 --> 00:50:53.010 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): clearly identify one letter from the next from the next, like an M. Having 3 serifs versus 2 n's. Next to each other, having 227 00:50:53.010 --> 00:51:15.939 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): 2 serifs on the end, and 2 serifs. On the next end there is again. It's a large school of thought. So I've actually been asked, well, what's the right font to use? And I'm like depends who you ask, but I do have guidelines for that in a different presentation that I've given. So if anybody is questioning that I can give some guidance. But again, it's really a matter of interpretation. 228 00:51:16.760 --> 00:51:22.670 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Alright, thank you. I I personally love 229 00:51:23.060 --> 00:51:31.109 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): that exercise, and I I wish I we could devote the entire hour to just to just that. 230 00:51:31.920 --> 00:51:35.050 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): But please do consider 231 00:51:35.190 --> 00:51:57.179 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): like what we said up front, bringing this back training, others leading by example, etc. Please consider sharing that maybe in a small group exercise. If you're working with a department or colleagues like a ta team just sharing, what do you think we could do better. Where do you think we could improve? And that is one place to start 232 00:51:57.710 --> 00:52:21.780 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): alright. I mentioned. This part is going to be on your own, the practice Powerpoint and Microsoft word. When you are working through these 2 documents. These files. Again, I'm going to share the links in the follow up email, so you'll be able to download them to the place that you want to share it as opposed to Zoom, where, like searching for a place to save a file. 233 00:52:22.610 --> 00:52:33.110 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): These documents will embrace all of our best practices. The expectations that we at Johns Hopkins University expect of faculty. 234 00:52:34.140 --> 00:53:03.699 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): So when it comes to. If you're producing something when it comes to going beyond embracing the best practices. And you want to test something. Maybe you are making a website or a document for somebody. There are the automated checkers, such as the accessibility assistant or accessibility checker. It used to be called accessibility checker. I just was reminded. Today it's called the Accessibility Assistant in Microsoft tools. 235 00:53:04.000 --> 00:53:08.460 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Those are good, but they're just a starting point. They're not enough. 236 00:53:08.690 --> 00:53:29.279 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): If you are able to navigate using a keyboard. Great! Everybody should be able to do that if they have that manual dexterity. Another thing that you could consider using are screen readers such as Nvda. Or, again, there's plugins to Firefox and Chrome that you can just download. 237 00:53:29.280 --> 00:53:40.809 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): but because you aren't the true user, if or when you are not not because when you are not the true user requiring an assistive technology, you're actually 238 00:53:40.850 --> 00:53:43.259 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): going to know, not going to 239 00:53:43.350 --> 00:53:57.070 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): know how to use it. It's not always intuitive. I had somebody disagree with me over whether or not equation editor inside of Powerpoint. If that equation was accessible by a screen reader, and they said, it's not. I tried it with 240 00:53:57.130 --> 00:54:25.529 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): a screen, reader, called Nvda, and I said, Oh, but a person who is reliant on Nvda uses a math Plugin to Nvda, and then they're reading the Powerpoint, and it is accessible. So again, just know that. Yes, use the automated checker. Yes, do some manual testing, but also know that the true users of the disability community, they're the true test for accessibility. 241 00:54:28.070 --> 00:54:33.309 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): The automated checkers, built-in checkers in Microsoft and adobe acrobat 242 00:54:33.570 --> 00:55:01.569 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): are there canvas. If you actually are able to use canvas tools, they have ally. There is this Pdf accessibility checker. If somebody is doing research, I would, you know in government documents and everything. I would recommend that you look into this Pdf accessibility checker tool it is for windows only. That's why the asterisk is on there. It is linked in the Pdf from today's presentation. It is hardcore. It finds some 243 00:55:01.710 --> 00:55:28.200 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): really deep stuff, and it is very difficult to get 100% accessible, using this tool because it tells you no, you can do better. You can do better. Then, as I mentioned, there's also plugins for your browsers, such as the wave browser extension tool for Chrome or Firefox AI. Inspector for Firefox, which, honestly, it is not intuitive. I have tried to use it. I've not. I can't remember. Each time I go back to it I can't remember how to use it. 244 00:55:28.600 --> 00:55:51.750 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Jhu has a subscription to Site Improve. These are all for websites. And then there's other tools such as Pope Tech. Let me just take one quick second to show the accessibility checker in Microsoft word is on the review. Tab is one place we can find it, and here it is check accessibility, and that opens up the check. The accessibility 245 00:55:52.390 --> 00:55:57.320 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): assistant, not checker. But you also, as in Microsoft. 246 00:55:57.510 --> 00:56:19.999 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): most things, Microsoft, you can also get there from file more than one place. You can go to file, and you can go to info, and you can inspect the document to check the accessibility. That used to be the only place you could get to the accessibility checker. But now we have this nice review, check, accessibility, option in Microsoft Powerpoint and word 247 00:56:21.130 --> 00:56:24.310 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and finishing up. 248 00:56:25.050 --> 00:56:51.959 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): we have our resources to share again. I'm going to be sharing a and I apologize, Amy. I thought I had the evaluation slide in here. I'm going to go ahead and share the everything from today, including the sample documents and the videos of the tutorial. I will also share a quick brief to taking no more than a couple of minutes evaluation. If you don't mind filling that out. That would be great. 249 00:56:52.190 --> 00:56:55.839 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): and that'll be coming today. Do you have any questions? 250 00:56:57.660 --> 00:56:58.189 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Alright? 251 00:56:58.950 --> 00:57:18.209 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Thank you so much. Again. Please go back to those concentric circles, and know that that at its core, making things inclusive are the supporting practices right? So start embracing those practices, and also go back to the fact that a culture of accessibility includes 252 00:57:18.410 --> 00:57:22.330 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): not just personal learning, but also sharing your knowledge. 253 00:57:22.660 --> 00:57:27.509 Celine Greene (BSPH CTL) (she/her): Thank you so much. Have a great day. Thank you for the kind words bye-bye.